Tuesday, April 09, 2024

NPR: Filtering And Flavoring The News Will Lose You The Trust Of Your Audience

The article is a good read about how NPR tilted ever farther leftward, did the diversity dance in everything but political diversity, and lost trust as it filtered and flavored news to meet its left-wing agenda:

The Free Press: I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.

After all, as they say at NPR: "We have both kinds of political opinion - Left! and hard Left!"

The resulting loss of audience trust from this shift is pretty apparent. 

Once trust is lost it's rather hard to regain - especially as in the case of NPR you just navel gaze and not address and remedy the actions that caused the lack of trust.

I rather liked how the article noted with pride that NPR was trusted above CNN, the New York Times, and gas station sushi.

Ok, the article didn’t actually say gas station sushi, but it might as well have done. Beating out CNN and NYT in the trustworthiness department is awfully similar to winning the award for being the tallest midget at the fair. 

At least this one senior editor at NPR actually realizes and acknowledges that there is a problem. Hopefully, the other bien pensants at NPR will clue into the issue, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for them to do so.


DaveS said...

I was a longtime fan of public radio and NPR, for decades actually. And then Cokie Roberts and the rest started to make it clear that they were part of a tribe and if we didn’t agree, well, they’d accept our money and donations, but we obviously were guilty of wrong-think. Haven’t listened to public radio in a long time. It’s too bad, I used to enjoy hearing about issues presented in a thoughtful and balanced manner.

Aaron said...

DaveS: Yep, NPR's lurch to the left has been going on for a long time, and got even worse and more blatant when Trump started running for president.