Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Very Situational Protesting

A picture is worth 1,000 words they say, and this one speaks volumes:

Funny, isn't it, that the Left and the Arabs don't seem to care one bit when Muslims and Arabs are killed by their fellow Muslims and Arabs.  

Nor, may I add did they protest in the slightest when Hamas broke the ceasefire and killed 1,400 Israelis. In  fact social media was awash with Muslims saying Happy October and the Left generally defended it, said nothing, or issued mealy-mouthed platitudes, or called for Israel to restrain itself.

But have a conflict where Jews respond to an Arabs/Muslim attack and then they suddenly can't wait to protest, attack the White House and monuments etc.

There's no wonder why that is, now is there?


pigpen51 said...

I admit that I have not kept up with all of the rhetoric and slogans of the radical Muslim supporting people both at home and abroad. But I was angered almost as much by the slogan from the river to the sea as I was over the initial attack by the cowardly Hamas butchers. Because it indicates to me that many of those who are shouting that slogan would have been quite happy to have been involved with the inhuman actions on October 7th of 2023.
Like the date 9/11, 10/7 will also be ingrained in my mind as a date where everything in the world changed. Not for the best, of course. What is even more disgusting to me is that the Biden administration continues to attempt to exert pressure on Israel to "pause" the defense of their country from these rabid animals, when that is exactly what Hamas would like, and why they place their military positions within civilian populations.
No doubt the Washington Democrats know that would not be a good strategic move for Israel. But it would certainly help the Democrats politically. It is not like they don't realize those facts. The truth is, I don't believe that they really care about Israel, our only true ally in the Mideast. Perhaps they will care, when they find out that their lack of support results in a major war there, and it possibly erupts into WW 3.

B said...

Since the State of Israel can't make anyone happy, they should not bother trying and simply eradicate the threat in a most gruesome and painful fashion. They won't win any hearts and minds doing so, but they will instill fear and generate respect....they won't win hearts and minds by letting the savages go either, but if they do that they won't engender the fear and respect also...

I se no downside for simply eradicating the nest of Hamas, even if that means returning Gaza to nature.
There are no good choices, only bad and worse ones.