Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Arab Medical Staff In Royal Oak Beaumont Protest And Lie For Gaza

Well the Arab medical staff of Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak came out to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and the destruction of Israel at the same time.

We will note they couldn't be bothered to condemn the Hamas terrorist attack that kicked it off, nor any mention of that in the protest, nor on their Facebook Page, or their organization website.

Funny, that.

Note that a lot of them were still wearing their Beaumont uniforms in the video.

Sure, they've got the right to protest and show the scum that they are, but I would have hoped their employer would not approve of such conduct on company time, company grounds, and in company uniforms. 

Certainly makes me think twice about going to Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak for any medical treatment.

 In the linked instagram video they were, after their bromide "the people united will never be defeated" - in which case why demand a ceasefire if you will never be defeated?   They then started going "long live the intifada" - that chant is not exactly calling for a ceasefire. In fact it's the opposite.

Supporting the intifada, which is a call for terrorist attacks against Israel, would to most rational people imply you really don't get to ask for a ceasefire at the same time that you're calling for armed violence, neh?  

Is that a Hippocratic or is that a hypocritic oath in their case?

They're also waiving signs that are lying about "genocide" in Gaza.

Given the Arab population of Gaza has increased from in 2012 1,644,293 million to 2,106,745 today and its expected to double to over 4 million by 2050, this has to be the most inept "genocide" ever.

In short they lie, a lot, no surprise there.


pigpen51 said...

It is simply beyond my comprehension to know how anyone can support what the thugs and barbarians are doing in Gaza. I of course am not surprised at the brutality and horrific actions done by Hamas, not just because they are terrorists, but because I have learned that just when you think that you have seen the very worst that a human being can do to another human being, the next thing comes up, and you are once again proven wrong.
I worked in a foundry for my entire working career. A man killed his 2 young children, a toddler and an infant, by putting them into a cold ladle and placing a huge preheating torch on top of it, burning them to death. This was on Thanksgiving day, 1987. I will never get over that, nor the things that I went through in the first days back to work. Yet now it is shown that Hamas did the same and much worse, not due to their mental illness, but to some disgusting sense of devotion to a god that has no resemblance to the G-d that I worship.
Here in America, the one place that I used to think I could count on to be humane, and to be quick to call out such utterly vile and almost indescribable actions, I find that it is not really the case. Pro Palestinian rally's are not just a tiny blip on the radar here or there, but they are well organized and financed, and probably the saddest, well covered by the media.
The nation's government, I no longer think they deserve to be called the leadership, have a number of their members who are standing up defiantly and either proclaiming their support of Hamas, or they are at best calling for a ceasefire, when we know what they really mean is for Israel to simply roll over and expose their underbellies for the next salvo, and take it once more. Because somehow because they are Jews they deserve to be destroyed.
The further we get from the initial attack on Israel, the less the American people are concerned about it, and instead are tied up with the next American Idol, or Bachelor, or whatever it is that people watch on that vast wasteland that is television.
There are many ways this war can go in the middle east. None of them are very good, and the best thing for America is if we stand firm and solidly beside Israel. Sadly I am afraid that our current government doesn't have the fortitude to stay the course. That would be a grave mistake.

ccm2361 said...

I aggree with pigpen, he nailed it.

Wow that work situation must have been awful

Aaron said...

pigpen51: That sounds like n insane horrific situation at work. As CCX2361 says, you nailed it in one.

ccm2361: Yes, that he did.

pigpen51 said...

The man at my work was mentally insane, and his motivation was a twisted idea of religion, somehow thinking that he was saving his children by burning them with fire. He actually was found guilty but insane, and can never be free from prison.