Sunday, April 10, 2022

Flight Review Complete

After the match, I grabbed a quick bite, and headed over to the airport.

Met up with Alec and checked out N55EM for the flight review.

Could not ask for a nicer day for it.  Ceiling and visibility unlimited, winds light and variable and just a perfect day to fly.

Flew to Romeo and did some pattern work.  Been awhile since I've done pattern work as I've been focussed on IFR and it showed a bit.

Buggered up the approach for the first landing as I was in too tight and went around.  Romeo and I have issues.  

Then I settled down and got it done, did a series of takeoffs and landing sin the pattern.  Did some maneuvers and all was well.

Then back to Pontiac for some Power Off 180 practice as I haven't done those in a long time.

Did it both with and without flaps and that was very useful practice for emergency engine out scenarios.

It was a good flight review, Alec is a very good and helpful instructor.   Sadly he's full during the week when I'm available, otherwise Id have him as my IFR instructor as well.

Flight Review is now complete, so I'm legal for flying VFR yet again, and legal to take the Instrument Test, so that's something.

That's 1.9, with 7 landings.

Kinda tired and sore at the moment, but got lots of stuff done.


B said...

Always a good idea to go around if needed.

How were the steep turns and turns across a road? I found mine had atrophied badly after not doing them while IFR training.

Old NFO said...

Yep, nothing wrong with going around!

Aaron said...

B: Yep going around is always an option.

Steep turns weren't bad, easy to cheat with trim and using IFR training to put the Attitude indicator in the right spot and adding power and not letting the altitude shift while holding position.

The power off 180s I definitely do need to practice more as well as pattern work in general as I'm really focused now on instrument approaches.

Aaron said...

Old NFO: Yep, a good go around beats a bad landing.