Friday, February 18, 2022

Piper Gets A Taste For Sole Food

In one single day this week, Piper chomped on 4 different sneakers.  Seems to be going through a sole food phase.

Each one, of course, from a different pair.  

One from each of us, including the ones I wear for PT.  They just happened to be my only sneakers/workout shoes.  Ugh.

So, I had to hurriedly order a new pair. Since I still can't bend down and putting on shoes are hard and I can't reach to tie them, I decided to try a slip on pair of sneakers to see if I could get them on and off better.

I figured for  $36, now apparently $39 (talk about quick inflation), it would be worth a shot and they would be here on time for the next PT session.

They actually work, and actually are pretty comfy after you tie them up, they will still slip on yet stay on and fit properly, and are very easy to take off which helps a lot.

Yesterday, she was cruising by Tash's tennis shoes.  Eating those would lead to a very bad result for Piper.

It's a very good thing she's cute.

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